Saturday, July 2, 2011

Doing Hard Things

So I have been reading a book here recently called Do Hard Things written by two brothers Alex & Brett Harris. The best part of the whole book is that its forwarded by Chuck Norris.

The book is written for teenagers, encouraging them to rebel against incredibly low standards that our society has placed on them. I am three years removed from my teenage years and find it beyond motivating for my own season of life. I definitely think it is a good read for teenagers and adults alike.

I have found chapter 5 rather relevant, its entitled "That first scary step". Stepping out of our comfort zone is probably one of the hardest and scariest things to do while at the same time its the time that we are likely to grow and be stretched the most.

I also find that it is when I am out of my comfort zone that I have the most fun. Stepping out and doing crazy, silly, and sometime stupid things are the times that I have made the best memories. I work with high school students on a weekly basis and recently I have been spending quite a bit of time with a handful of high school guys. It seems that when we are together we tend to challenge each other to talk to people and do things we normally wouldn't. A lot of the times we end up making other people laugh and having some great laughs of our own. Through this I have come to the realization that "cool" people are boring people. I much rather be spontaneous, outgoing, and silly; than be too cool for school.

I resolve to take time and talk to people I normally wouldn't and occasionally do something that is way out of the ordinary in hopes of making their day brighter and mine too.

Can anyone else relate to this?